Maintenance Checklist for February


Accent Lavender Blue Impatiens Pot up to 36 cell tray in late February. Change to tray with holes.
Azalea Encore Autumn Chiffon Deer Out
Canna Mix Pot up in Lower GreenHouse
Coleus Wizard Golden GH sow seeds in early February, 72 cell tray, with dome. Remove dome as seedlings grow.
Geranium White Misting
Golden Mist Wood Fern Cut off dead fronds after die back.
Monkey Grass Cut down [2"] before new growth starts. Early February better.
Peace Lily Plant Trim off flowers after blooming
Pink Double Knock Out Rose Cut back 1/3 in Spring
Scarlet Slavia GH plant seeds in early Mid-February; 72 cell tray.
Variegated Monkey Grass Cut to 1" form ground before new leaves start


Accent Lavender Blue Impatiens Fert. 1/3 strength in GH -late February, Green Light
Atlantic White Cedar HollyTone
Blue Pacific Shore Juniper HollyTone
Blue Shadow Kousa Dogwood HollyTone
Boxwood HollyTone
Bridesmaid Mountain Laurel HollyTone
Burkwood Viburnum HollyTone
Camellia Moonlight Bay Hollytone
Canna Mix Fert. 1/3 strength in GH -February, Green Light
Centennial Girl Hollytone
Cherry Laurel Schipka HollyTone
Colorado Spruce HollyTone
Dawn Redwood HollyTone
Dense Spreading Yew HollyTone
Divinely Blue Deodar Cedar HollyTone
Dwarf Japanese Cedar Lobbii Nana HollyTone
Fetter Bush HollyTone
Filiformis Hollytone
Fire Light Hydrangea HollyTone
Florida Anise HollyTone
Geranium White Fert with slow release fertilizer, Osmocote.
Golden Elkhorn Cedar HollyTone
Heatherbun White Cedar HollyTone
Hussi Canadian Hemlock HollyTone
Japanese Umbrella Pine HollyTone
Korean Plum Yew HollyTone
Longleaf Pine HollyTone
Memorial Day Azalea Hollytone
Morgan's Chinese Arboritae HollyTone
Mountain Fire Pieris Japonica HollyTone
Oregon Crested Hinoki False Cypress HollyTone
Periwinkle HollyTone
Rhododendron Rabatz HollyTone
Siberian Cypress HollyTone
Silver Dust Leyland HollyTone
Silver Smoke Arizona Cypress HollyTone
Vilmoriniana Dwarf Japanese Cedar HollyTone
Vintage Jade Distylium HollyTone
Winter Gold PaperBush Fert


At Last Rosa Prune back 1/3
Crape Myrtle Cherokee Prune top off a few feet.
Lenten Rose Purple Prune back dead leafs as new come out; starting in early February.
Silver Anniversary Abelia Blooms on new wood, so prune as needed (e.g., remove stems lost to winter and, if desired, thin to the ground up to 1/3 of old stems) in late winter to early spring.
Sixteen Candles Summersweet Prune a needed.
Snow Day Blizzard Pearl-bush Prune as needed.
Vaughn's Lillie Oak Leaf Hydrangea Dwarf, thus Minor pruning. Prune to desired height an inch above a node.
White Beautyberry Prune back. Remember: Flowers on NEW wood.

Garden Decor

Birds Bring in Garden Art
Birds Bring Out Garden Art


Small Greenhouse Check everything before plants are brought in.